Increase Employee Engagement

Increase Employee Engagement

Increase Employee Engagement in Manufacturing:

Based on the 2020 Global Workday report by Workday, the engagement levels among manufacturing employees are concerning. Out of the surveyed employees, only 34% reported feeling engaged, while a troubling 38% expressed feelings of disengagement. Additionally, an alarming 27% stated that they felt actively disengaged. These figures indicate a pressing issue, especially considering the existing labour shortage in the manufacturing industry. To address this problem and meet business demands effectively, it is crucial for manufacturing companies to prioritise frontline engagement. By investing in strategies that enhance employee experiences, organisations can not only retain their workforce but also drive meaningful improvements in overall performance.

What is the significance of frontline employee engagement?

It is essential for manufacturing companies to prioritise frontline employee engagement in order to create a positive work environment and provide a satisfying experience for their workers. Apart from the human aspect, there are tangible business benefits associated with improving employee engagement:

  • Higher customer engagement: Companies with high employee engagement tend to have better customer engagement, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Improved productivity: Engaged employees demonstrate significantly higher productivity rates compared to non-engaged workers, leading to greater operational efficiency and output.
  • Enhanced employee retention: Actively engaging employees contributes to lower staff turnover rates, reducing recruitment and training costs while maintaining a stable and experienced workforce.
  • Increased safety record: Engaged employees exhibit a higher commitment to safety protocols, resulting in a safer work environment and fewer accidents.
  • Greater profitability: Manufacturing companies that prioritise employee engagement experience improved profitability due to increased productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee retention.

The 5 most common obstacles:

  1. Lack of Purpose or Meaning: The "Great Reflection" phenomenon, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led employees to seek work aligned with personal values and fulfilment. Without a clear sense of purpose and connection to a larger mission, frontline workers may feel disengaged and look for opportunities that provide a stronger sense of meaning
  2. Inadequate Communication: Effective communication is crucial for frontline workers to stay informed, make informed decisions, and collaborate with their peers and managers. Without timely access to information and clear guidance, employees can feel unsupported and disconnected, leading to decreased engagement.
  3. Limited Job Growth: Monotonous tasks without opportunities for advancement or meaningful challenges can result in boredom, dissatisfaction, and disengagement among frontline workers. Without clear pathways for growth and career development, employees may seek opportunities elsewhere to find roles that allow them to expand their skills and experience progress.
  4. Lack of Respect & Recognition: Frontline workers are vital to manufacturing companies, and they deserve respect and recognition for their hard work. When employees feel undervalued and unnoticed, they are more likely to become disengaged and consider leaving their current jobs.
  5. Poor Management & Leadership: A supportive and growth-focused management team is crucial for creating a positive experience for frontline workers. When leaders fail to provide guidance, micromanage, and lack transparency in decision-making, it breeds disengagement among employees who may feel unsupported, frustrated, and disconnected from the organisation's direction.

5 strategies to improve employee engagement:

  1. Give employees a voice and actively listen to their input: Creating a culture of open communication and collaboration where workers feel heard and understood is vital for frontline engagement. By providing opportunities for employees to share ideas and concerns with leadership and ensuring transparency in decision-making processes, companies can foster a sense of inclusivity and involvement.
  2. Recognise and appreciate employees for their contributions: Acknowledging employees' achievements is a powerful driver of engagement. By recognising and celebrating frontline workers for their hard work, companies can create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, leading to higher levels of engagement and motivation.
  3. Promote respect and inclusivity: Treating employees with respect and fostering an inclusive work environment enhances engagement. When employees feel safe, comfortable, and respected for who they are, they are more likely to be engaged and reciprocate that respect towards management and leadership.
  4. Offer flexibility whenever possible: Providing flexibility in work arrangements, such as flexible hours or shift swaps, demonstrates a commitment to work-life balance and employee well-being. By accommodating individual needs and preferences, manufacturing companies can boost engagement and job satisfaction among frontline workers.
  5. Help employees understand the connection between their work and company goals: Transparency is crucial in helping frontline workers see how their contributions align with the broader organisational objectives. By providing clear explanations of decision-making processes and highlighting the impact of employees' work on company goals, companies can enhance engagement by fostering a sense of purpose and connection.

How can Stryza help to improve employee engagement?

  1. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: Stryza, a connected worker platform, enables real-time communication and collaboration among frontline employees, supervisors, and managers. By providing a centralised platform for sharing information and feedback, it improves engagement by fostering seamless communication and a sense of belonging within the team.
  2. Empowerment and Recognition: Stryza empowers frontline workers by giving them access to relevant data and work instructions, allowing them to make informed decisions and contribute to process improvements. Additionally, it facilitates recognition through features that enable managers and peers to publicly acknowledge and appreciate employees' achievements, boosting morale and enhancing engagement.
  3. Training and Development Opportunities: Stryza serves as a platform for delivering training materials and continuous learning resources, enabling employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. By providing accessible training and development opportunities, Stryza demonstrates the company's investment in employee success, leading to increased engagement and motivation.

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