How do we fight Skill Shortage?

How do we fight Skill Shortage?

The current situation:

The manufacturing industry is facing a pressing challenge in the upcoming years: a shortage of skilled labour. This issue has been gradually escalating, with plant bottlenecks becoming more apparent. The ageing population is the primary driver of this problem, as projected by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, estimating a decline of 3.9 million capable workers in Germany over the next decade. Departments like assembly, maintenance, and quality inspection within manufacturing companies will be significantly impacted.

How can Stryza protect companies from skill shortage?

The baby boomer generation is reaching retirement age, and with their departure from the workforce, there is a risk of losing the vast amount of knowledge and expertise they have accumulated throughout their careers.

To prevent this scenario from unfolding, it is essential to centralise and store a company's wealth of knowledge in the cloud, making it easily accessible to every employee from any location. This can be achieved through the implementation of Stryza, which offers three significant benefits:

1. To enable the transfer of employee-dependent knowledge to the entire workforce, two key approaches are employed. Firstly, image- and video-based work instructions, checklists, and test protocols are created to simplify knowledge sharing. Secondly, living process knowledge is established through continuous worker feedback on product, process, and service quality. This ensures the currency and validation of knowledge.

2. Stryza provides valuable benefits by standardising and organising comprehensive process knowledge. Through modular structuring of content, it establishes a central repository of accurate process information, significantly reducing the need for adjustments in test documentation. This enables swift deployment of standardised documents, even across a company's international production sites, while facilitating the efficient application of similar work procedures to variations. These advancements save considerable time and enhance productivity. Moreover, it facilitates the classification and structured arrangement of documents and entire processes using filter logic. This allows for the assignment of specific access rights and personalised knowledge availability tailored to locations, teams, individual employees, and products. The platform's structured approach enhances information management, streamlines workflows, and optimises efficiency.

3. In Stryza, process knowledge is dynamically accessible to each worker in real time, facilitated by image- and video-based communication for intuitive understanding. This flexibility allows for more agile deployment of production workers, supported by the software's multilingual capabilities that enable efficient collaboration among employees from different production sites. The platform's provision of tailored information for specific variants ensures efficient deployment of workers by offering relevant details for each order or product, reducing complexity, eliminating duplication, and automating configuration efforts. This comprehensive approach enables companies to effectively manage high turnover of temporary workers and confidently hire manufacturing personnel with varying skill levels.

Increasing productivity with Stryza:

If the implementation of Stryza reduces complexity and eliminates non-value-added paper-based tasks, it yields efficiency benefits. By digitally mapping the last mile to workers and establishing a central point of process truth for assembly and inspection processes, the solution streamlines operations. Clear checklists, equipped with detailed information, empower workers to operate independently, achieving higher levels of information-based security, such as during inspection steps. This eliminates the need for extensive training periods and constant supervision from experienced colleagues.

As a result of efficient working facilitated by Stryza, companies can accomplish more with their existing workforce. Time savings in various activities allow for greater workforce flexibility and allocation to other areas. Consequently, the challenges posed by skilled labour shortages and a shrinking workforce no longer threaten companies; instead, they become variables in an equation for which the solution has already been found.

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