The optimal approach towards onboarding in manufacturing

The optimal approach towards onboarding in manufacturing

The optimal approach towards onboarding in manufacturing

Onboarding poses a significant challenge for manufacturing companies due to the industry's unique demands and complexities. From specialised skill requirements and safety protocols to the need for efficient integration of new employees into existing production processes, navigating the onboarding process can be a formidable task for these organisations.

Poor onboarding in manufacturing companies leads to a multitude of issues, including decreased productivity, higher employee turnover rates, and increased safety risks, all of which can hinder operational efficiency and profitability in the long run.

Luckily, in 2023, there are tools that make onboarding easy.

The 4 reasons why onboarding is so important:

  1. The initial impact is crucial: A positive onboarding process holds the power to make new employees perceive their worth and believe that their employer genuinely cares about their achievements. This, in turn, can foster an enthusiastic and committed workforce right from the beginning.
  2. Safety: Employees within their initial month of employment face three times higher chances of experiencing a lost-time injury compared to those with more than a year of work experience. By offering comprehensive safety training during the onboarding process, the potential risks of accidents and injuries can be significantly mitigated.
  3. Retention of Employees: The initial six months of employment are pivotal for retaining employees. During this crucial period, a positive onboarding experience plays a vital role in decreasing turnover rates by fostering a sense of engagement and commitment among new hires towards their roles and responsibilities.
  4. Accelerated productivity: While it remains crucial to provide new hires with sufficient training and support, manufacturers also prioritise the swift integration of employees as productive team members. A thoughtfully crafted onboarding program can strike a harmonious balance between equipping new hires with essential skills and knowledge and facilitating their rapid transition into contributing members of the team.

What should be included in the onboarding process?

  1. Safety Training covers safety regulations, emergency procedures, and PPE requirements.
  2. Quality Training plays a vital role in upholding quality standards and ensuring compliance with regulations. It encompasses various essential aspects, including product quality control, process validation, documentation, audits, and non-conformance management.
  3. Company Culture and Values: During onboarding, the company introduces its mission, vision, core values, and the employee's role in contributing to the organisation's purpose.
  4. Role-Specific Skills: This training category focuses on the job-specific skills necessary for optimal performance. The content should be regularly updated to incorporate industry best practices. It typically constitutes the largest portion of training, ranging from 50-75%. While on-the-job shadowing has traditionally been used to deliver this training, it can lead to inconsistencies and scheduling challenges when senior team members are unavailable.

How can a connected worker platform like Stryza help?

  1. Centralised Information: The platform can serve as a central hub for all onboarding-related information, documents, and resources. New employees can easily access and navigate through the platform to find essential materials, such as employee handbooks, safety guidelines, and training materials.
  2. Streamlined Training: The platform can offer a streamlined and consistent training experience for new hires. It can provide access to interactive and engaging training modules and videos, ensuring that employees receive standardised training regardless of location or time of joining.
  3. Real-time Communication: Stryza enables instant and seamless communication between new hires, trainers, and team members. It facilitates quick and efficient information sharing, clarification of queries, and the ability to seek guidance from experienced colleagues, fostering a supportive onboarding experience.
  4. Performance Tracking: The platform can incorporate features for tracking and monitoring new employees' progress during the onboarding process. Trainers and supervisors can assess the completion of training modules, evaluate performance, and provide timely feedback to ensure that new hires are progressing effectively.
  5. Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: Stryza can serve as a knowledge-sharing platform, allowing new employees to access a repository of best practices, standard operating procedures, and other relevant documentation. It also facilitates collaboration among team members, enabling them to share insights, ask questions, and contribute to continuous improvement efforts.

Overall, Stryza enhances the efficiency, effectiveness, and consistency of the onboarding process in manufacturing companies, promoting a smoother transition for new hires and facilitating their integration into the workforce.

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