Reduce Onboarding Costs

Reduce Onboarding Costs

Hiring costs in manufacturing:

The manufacturing industry grapples with challenges in hiring and onboarding new employees, including a shortage of skilled workers, high turnover rates, and the need for specialised training. Finding qualified candidates with the necessary skills and experience is increasingly difficult due to an ageing workforce and limited interest among younger generations. This shortage of skilled workers results in longer onboarding times and increased costs associated with recruitment and training.

Hiring expenses in the manufacturing industry vary based on factors like location, job responsibilities, and required skill sets. Manufacturing roles often demand a higher level of technical expertise, leading to recruitment costs as companies compete for skilled candidates. Additionally, expenses related to advertising job openings, candidate screening, and travel contribute to the overall recruitment costs, which can accumulate significantly.

While precise figures are challenging to determine due to various variables, the average cost of hiring a manufacturing employee typically ranges from a few thousand Euros to even higher amounts, depending on factors like the position, job market conditions, and level of experience required. To ensure operational efficiency, companies need to explore solutions for optimising these costs.

Reducing onboarding costs:

Manufacturing enterprises can decrease the cost of hiring a new employee by leveraging digital technologies and implementing efficient training methods. By utilizing digital platforms, companies can reduce the need for on-site training sessions and instead offer self-paced learning programs, allowing new hires to learn at their own pace and reducing the cost associated with in-person training. Virtual or augmented reality training can also be employed to simulate real-world scenarios and provide hands-on practice in a safe environment, reducing the need for costly on-site training and improving safety measures.

Additionally, digital technologies enable the creation of standardised training programs that can be used across multiple locations, reducing the cost of developing new training materials for each new employee and ensuring consistency. Artificial intelligence can further contribute to cost reduction by automating aspects of the onboarding process, such as providing immediate support through AI-powered chatbots and analysing data to identify areas where additional training is needed, allowing for targeted and efficient training programs tailored to individual employees' needs.

4 ways of how Stryza can reduce onboarding costs:

  1. By offering digital onboarding processes, Stryza eliminates the need for costly on-site training sessions, enabling new hires to access training materials and resources remotely, reducing travel expenses and saving time.
  2. Stryza provides self-paced learning programs, allowing new employees to learn at their own speed, reducing the need for expensive in-person training sessions and accommodating different learning styles.
  3. With Stryza's digital workflows and standardised training content, companies can create consistent onboarding materials that can be easily updated and shared across multiple locations, minimising the costs associated with developing customised training programs for each new employee.
  4. Stryza's data analytics capabilities enable companies to identify areas where additional training may be needed, allowing for targeted and efficient training programs that focus resources on areas of improvement, reducing unnecessary training expenses.

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